Friday, October 3, 2008

Family Shopping Trip

We went shopping last night for kids' clothes and Jeff and I were digging through clearence racks looking for good deals. The rule with Max was that he had to stay close to us or he wouldn't get any Cheetos when we left. I know, not a good plan. Anyway, he did ok staying around us for a few minutes and then started to wander. Jeff, being the good parent, kept leaving the sale racks to track him down. I, being the not so good parent, was just becoming annoyed that he was interrupting my bargin hunting (BTW it was not a big or a crowded store).
Jeff got concerned when he couldn't find him so I started looking for him too. Then from inside a clothing rack I hear a tiny voice saying, "Maxwell Orwin, where are you?" I moved the clothes and Max peeked his head out, grinned, and said, "I playing hide seek wif Daddy."
I have no idea how he ended up getting his bag of Cheetos as a treat after that.


Jamie Hamilton said...

That's funny. My mom has told me before that Holly and I used to like to hide in the clothes racks, too.

Jessica said...

that is hilarious. did you get any good deals?
jackson played peek a boo with a little girl at marshall's the other day. i don't think her mama liked it too much, though.

Holly said...

What a cute kid. That's too funny. Kids definitely add another dynamic to a shopping trip.