Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Should have done the laundry

For those of you who don't know, Monday is not a play day for me. Every Monday, with VERY few exceptions, I do the grocery shopping and the laundry. All of my friends around here know that and know not to even considering asking me to do anything else. This is the only day I preschedule and I do this b/c I hate laundry and the grocery store with a passion. I take care of them both at the beginning of the week so I don't have to think about it for six more days. If they don't get done on Monday, they don't get done.

Having said that, I'll get to my real post. My dear friend decided to schedule playgroup for Monday this week. Not only did she do that, but she planned it at the water park on the Army base. I don't really like the water park either. It's kind of far away and it's not a place you can relax and let the kids go (not little ones like mine anyway) so it's just a lot of work. Well I told Jeff on Sunday that I wasn't going to go. He thought I was being a stick-in-the-mud and reminded me of how much fun Max would have (this is very true). So I told myself that if the morning went well I'd think about it.

Well I got that guilty mom thing going and decide we should go. I shouldn't let my hang-ups deny my kids of some fun. So I postponed shopping and laundry till further notice and started getting ready. Preparation for two little ones at the water park is a lot of work by the way, but I made the sacrifice and went. My sunglasses broke on the way out the door. I should have picked up on this as an omen, but I did not.

As the day went on I knew I should have stayed home and done laundry. Here are some of the reasons why:

1. My 9 month pregnant friend was denied entry to the Army base b/c she didn't have all of her paperwork (long, unimportant story) so she left in tears.

2. When we made it to the park, it was CLOSED. All 20 children we had with us were very upset.
3. While trying to leave the park, I stupidly lock my keys and my BABY in the car. This required the assistance of a firetruck, two police cars, and a paramedic. Zachary and I both cried. (He's fine BTW.)

4. Two other moms cried over my "incident."

5. Our playgroup mom in charge swore she was never doing playgroup again b/c we were all bad luck. ( I hope she was kidding.)

6. McDonalds did not give Max and I our french fries at the drive thru on the way home. He was mad all over again.

7. My husband thought it was all hilarious and laughed that I had the firemen come get Zach out. IT WAS 90+ DEGREES AND HE IS SIX MONTHS OLD. I DID NOT OVERRACT!!

8. Zach hasn't forgiven me yet and is still trying to make me feel guilty.

So the short and sweet of it is, Monday is for groceries and laundry. Don't mess with what isn't broke. All always keep an extra door key hidden somewhere so this doesn't happen. And try to keep the crying at playgroup to just the children.


DaNise said...

MIL called yesterday to tell me the story. What a rough day. I am sorry. Yes, getting children to the pool is a hassle, but they love it. I beg Jon to come, but I ususally end up with all three of them there, a neighbor with her children, and me. If I take all three by myself, we stay in the children's pool and Layna gets bored and mad. Better luck next play group.

Townsend said...

my hat's off to you, I would CRY too!!!!

Jessica said...

Ugh. That is rotten. I say stick with what works. Maybe I should try that for Monday's