Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Which is worse?

Is it worse to not know where your kid is and what he's doing or to sit back and watch him do something he shouldn't and silently debate with yourself on if it is worth it to do anything about it? Right now Max is only about 2 feet away from me tearing up and coloring all over paper from Jeff's office that are most likely something of some degree of importance. And I am sitting at the computer blogging about it, too tired to react, and just glad he's being quiet about it. On the scale of uninvolved, disinterested parent where do I fall?
Oh and BTW I am way behind on my blogging about our trip to Louisiana. When I finish unpacking (we've been back for a week now) I will locate my camera and post some pictures. Until then, just know that we had a great time and wish we could visit more often!

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