Simon the Cat
Max the Boy
Boudreaux the Dog
If you picked the cute one in the middle, you are correct. I'll explain. This weekend Jeff and I were finishing some yardwork and Max was being the "Little Helper." When we are all outside, we have found that it is best to keep the dog inside since he and the cat don't get along. Well that was the plan anyway.
Now that Max has learned to open the front door by himself, he spent most of the day doing just that. After a while, I suppose this began to bore him, so he began plotting other things to do to entertain himself.
He started opening the door and yelling, "Doggie, outside! Doggie, come on. Go outside." Then he would turn around and yell, "Kitty Kitty in da house. Kitty Kitty get inside!" He had the dog sitting by the door inside and the cat sitting by the door outside, laughing hysterically as they growled and hissed at each other. I finally stopped laughing long enough to go over and stop things before they got out of hand, but before I got to the door, Max yelled, "Maxwell Owen close da door now!!!"
Lovely, isn't?!? Evidently, I did a better job training my animals than I did training my son. This does not bode well for Baby #2.