Monday, January 24, 2011

The Great Name Debate

Thank you for joining us for the great name debate. Our little guy will be arriving in less than 3 months now and it has been quite a struggle for the 4 of us to decide on a name that would be just right for him. So we put it to a vote. Jeff voted for Charles Anthony with an option to call him Charlie, I voted for Nathaniel Joseph with "Nate" as a nickname, but the boys teamed up against us and pulled out the majority for a win. Therefore I am happy* to announce that Baby Boy Orwin #3 w ill now be known as...


(although Max has stated that if the baby is born with horns and green skin he's changing his vote to Shrek)

So what do you folks think?? Do you like it?? If try to come up with something better because I'm clueless. We have discussed every name in the book from simple standards like Michael or David to off the wall choices like Promethyus and Archemedes and we've got NOTHING! My big thing is I want to make sure the kid has options--like Maxwell can be Max and Zachary can be Zach--and I want it to kind of go with the other boys names (Maxwell Alexander and Zachary Xavier). I've even given up on trying to use all the letters in the alphabet, even though we only have S,B, and Q left.

Jeff keeps whining about finding "the RIGHT name". I don't know what that's all about. He thinks that divine intervention is going to lead us to the right name, which is fine but I'm a planner person and am starting to grow impatient waiting to figure out "the RIGHT thing"! (Doesn't sound at all like me huh???)

So here is a list of our top 10 names that we sort of agree on (my picks are at the top and Jeff's are at the bottom-as they should be).

  1. Nathaniel
  2. Joseph
  3. Daniel
  4. Michael
  5. Christian
  6. Bradley
  7. Jason (i still like Jasper better)
  8. Charles
  9. Anthony
  10. Caleb

We are also open to using Jeffrey as a middle name this time if it works, but not committed to it. PLEASE feel free to comment, vote, or add something that you think we might like and just have neglected to fully consider.

So until we come up with something better, welcome to the family baby Tarzan!! (And my mom thought Xavier was a bad name!!) :)


Maxwells said...

My friend was going to let her kids pick the baby's middle name and almost used superrocket. The dad vetoed it bc he didn't want to say that name while blessing and baptizing the kid :)
I like Charles (charlie). That's my vote, if it counts.
And we never have a name, I am usually calling down to the office with the name as I am getting wheeled out and pick up the certificate on the way out. You are lucky Jeff will talk to you, mike never wants to discuss names. Maybe bc I never like his. And honestly, it's my choice. Mostly this last one bc there was no drugs, I earned it.

Evan Orwin said...

I love Caleb!

DaNise said...

Feel free to steal the ones that Jon like so that I can not use them. He likes Dominic, Deveous, or Don Alejandro. Angie likes Bubba or Peanutbutter. Good Luck.