Most 2-3 year olds would say, "I got a bug bite."
Max said, "Mommy, why does the big mosquito have to suck out all my blood?"
When asked what they would like to drink, most kids would say, "Juice (or milk, etc)."
Max said, "Umm, I think I will have some Diet Coke with ice in my green sippy cup with the blue top."
When asked if he/she made the mess or broke the toy, most kids would respond, "Yes" or "No".
When I asked Max if it was him who drew on my wall, he responded, "Not necessarily."
When asked where he/she is going, most kids would say, "Outside"or "to my room" etc.
Max said, "I have to go to the airport to fly on a plane to Jamaica."
When they spill something on the floor, most kids would say, "Uh oh" or some variation.
Max just threw his hands in the air and said, "Well that's just delightful."
Most kids would say, "I get to ride on an airplane to Grandma's house!!"
Max said, "Mom are we going to ride a 747 to Grandma Nana's house?"
And my favorite, most kids would say, "Nice tie, Cobey."
Max said, "Hey Cobey, why are you wearing a leash?"
My kid is very verbal but also very strange! He must get that from his father.