Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is this the day?

Is today the day that Max will make it through school without crying? It just might be!! For the first time in three weeks of preschool, Max walked through the doors and into his class without falling to pieces. I don't know how he did after I left, but I think we may have turned a corner!!
I didn't really think he would have such a hard time adjusting to preschool like he has. But he has always had a flair for the dramatics so anything is possible with him. Th last three weeks I have gone back and forth with whether to leave him in or take him out, put him in full time, try a different place. I just can't seem to decide what is best for him. I think he needs to be in a social environment without me but I don't want to force him if he isn't ready. Then I think, he's just doing this for attention and I should ignore the drama and he'll stop. But what if he's doing it for attention b/c he needs the attention???
Anyway, I've pushed through and promised the staff that I will see how September goes and then decide what to do. So we are just taking one day at a time. I made cookies for his class so he could share. I set up playdates so he could get to know the kids better. I've done everything I can think of. Fortunately it seems to be working. I was so proud of him when I left today!!
Now the next big problem is that we are leaving on vacation and he'll be out a week! Does this mean we'll ahve to start all over again. I hope not!! I just don't know how much more I can take!!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm glad that things are improving. I really thought that Max would love preschool. He is so smart and he seems to do really well with other kids. Hopefully your vacation will be a good break and he'll be happy to go back. I think you are doing everything possible to make sure you're doing what's best for him. If it turns out that he is not ready you could just work with him at home and have lots of play dates until next year.