Friday, December 5, 2008

The BIG Adjustment

Everyone has been interested to see how Max handles the adjustments that come with getting a baby brother. Well, I have been privilege to have a front row seat to the experience. I would say that all things considered he's handling things fairly well. However, the green-eyed jealousy monster is certainly showing up from time to time. Here are a few examples:
The last night that my parents were in town my mom was sitting at the couch holding Zach and Max decided she needed to put Zach down and read him a story. My mom said he could sit next to her and she'd read the book. He told her, "No, it's Daddy's turn to hold Baby Zach and you read me a story." When she said no he fell into a puddle of tears until she gave in (Grandma's give in A LOT!).
He has decided that when Mommy is feeding Zach, that is the time to pitch a fit and demand that Mommy stop what she's doing and fulfill his request. That is always the time that he needs a drink or a snack or a tissue. In fact he threw a fit to beat all fits when I refused to put Zach down to take off Max's shoes. I told him Zach deserves to eat in peace and I'm determined to try and make that possible.
The other day I told Max we were going to the park to play with some of his friends. He got very excited and asked if Mommy could come. I said, "Of course Mommy will come and we are going to bring Zach too." He looked at me very matter-of-factly and said, "Then I don't want to go. You should leave him here." It took me quite a bit of convincing to get him excited about bring Zach to the park. He finally said if he could bring Curious George, I could bring Zach. What a deal.
So from all of this and many more examples, I figure that Max is dealing with things about how I expected. He does have plenty of sweet moments where he wants to hold Zach or share his toys or sing him a song. He really is a sweet boy and is a great big brother. He's just having to adjust to some things, as we all are. But I'm sure that before long they will be inseparable and I won't remember what it was like with just one.

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