Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So I turned twenty-eight today. I'm getting up there I guess. Fortunately I tend to surround myself with people who are older than me so it makes me feel a little better! I was going to post something profound today, like 28 kernels of knowledge I have acquired over the years or something. However, I could only think of about 6 things I've learned and that doesn't make me look too bright, so I will save my wisdom for another day.
All in all I guess getting older isn't too bad. Some of my friends got together and we all had lunch and cake today so that was nice. Unfortunately my party was also a going away party for a good friend of mine who is moving to CA. It was still nice for all of us to get together though and nothing can be too bad if you have cake. Max has enjoyed unwrapping and taking all of my presents so that's fun for him. Jeff has once again had to reassign my birthday to another day due to scheduling conflicts, but I'm sure we will get together sometime before Christmas to celebrate. Anyway, it is late and I am rambling like the old lady I'm turning into so I'll just say 28 down and hopefully more than 28 more to come!


Maxwells said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Townsend said...

Happy Birthday I think age makes us better mommy’s and wife’s and better daughters of God, in all be proud of it! :)

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday...I turn 29 in December, so I am feeling the heat of old age, too.
Geez, soon we're going to need orthopedic underwear and walkers.