Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Little Texas Tornado

Jeff was out of town and I wasn't feeling well, so I decided to take a break from my house maintainence duties. This is what can happen in ONE afternoon. Take this imagine and spread it though my ENTIRE house and you'll get a glimpse of the path of his destruction. And he's not even two!

Dynamite does come in small packages.


Maxwells said...

My kids KNOW how to clean their rooms by themselves. And now that I am so big I hate to clean up their toys, they are like I am so tired and this mess is too big we can't do it. This is the argument we go through every day! Seriously, one day I WILL throw them all away

The Awesome Rawsons said...

I let little "Sadie-canes" run loose too when I have those days where I don't feel good. Jared comes home and he's greeted by cheese, spilled juice puddles, torn paper, diapers strewn abound and toys everywhere. On those days, I realize how much cleaning I do when I feel well and I appreciate my mommy-skills that keep her distracted from making such a mess. It also makes me think: what will I do with two babies?! Will my mad skills be able to contain them?

I remember you, by the way. You always had such a great sense of humor and you haven't lost it! The last time I saw you, you were engaged and you were working on some sort of paper/project for school (maybe?) in the foyer of the institute building on campus.