Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms, mothers-to-be, grandmas, and all the wonderful women of the world who have a hand in raising our amazing little munchkins.
I have had a great Mother's Day today and I owe most of the credit to my boys. Jeff did a great job making today a special day for me, right down to the roses and the jewelry. You can never go wrong with those kinds of things. And as we speak, he is slaving away in the kitchen making a Mother's Day feast.
The topper today was what Max did for me. He's great. This morning he came in the room where Jeff and I were and said, "Daddy, help Mama vacuum." Jeff immediately looked at me as though I had something to do with this request (which I DID NOT). I have no idea where it came from, HONEST! Long story, short...My boys vacuumed the house today. I was touched.
Happy Mother's Day


Robin D said...

Happy Mother's Day to you Lori! You got the works...a clean house, dinner, flowers, jewelry...what more could you ask for?

Holly said...

How funny that Max wanted Jeff to vacuum for you. Isn't it amazing how perceptive they are.